
Here you can download ”Eken Morris Dancers – Our Dances”. When you click on the blue link a new window will open. You can now print or download the document.

To accompany the music session that we run first Sunday every month (except July and August), here is a session Tune Book, Incipits to the tunes (first 2 bars) and our song book.

Eken Morris 1979-1989 jubileumsskrift

This little book was produced at our 10th anniversary. Part 1 contains how it all started, part 2 is Lennart Åkerberg’s ”The Dream in 18 chapers, part 3 includes a diary from our first English tour 1986.

Eken Morris 1990 – 1994 jubileumsutskrift

This book was produced for out 15th anniversary.

2014- 35 years of Morris dancing

This book was produced for our 35th anniversary.